The Book: The Intro

This is part of my ongoing book series, of which you can read all previous chapters here.

This isn't designed to be a marketing masterclass, but every marketer could probably use it as a reminder to go back to the basics. Similarly, if you're a DJ or musician reading this, I hope you will take the time examine your relationship with the fundamentals of your craft.

The basics, done well and done often, are often all you really need to build a sustainable tenure in your chosen path. It was my commitment to the fundamentals of DJing that kept me working for so long. And hopefully the same will be true of my marketing career.

These are the things I know, not all the things there are to know. In particular, these are the gems that I often think about.

This isn't the story of how I went from DJing to a marketer that companies want to pay six plus figures each year — that will come later. That's the B-side to this record, which is often the best side. This is the A-side, the hits that you can come back to time and again.

This is everything I know about marketing, I learned from DJing.

Since I'm somewhat re-introducing myself here with a new brand, I'm including the best song to re-introdce yourself to 🥳

If you got this via email, you might need to hit the "View Online" link at the top of the email and head over to the site to listen to the music:

If you got this via email, you might need to hit the "View Online" link at the top of the email and head over to the site to listen to the playlist: