💌: See you in 2022

👋 Hi everyone! As mentioned last week, we're taking a bit of a departure on the Forgematic weekly emails to close out the year.

The short of it is: I'd love to get your feedback on Forgematic so far and how to make it better for you in 2022.

Below is a button that will take you to a very short 2 minute survey. There's a little something special at the end for anyone that submits feedback. Thank you to everyone that submitted their feedback already, I really appreciate it!

That's it for this week's newsletter. Yes, really! If you just joined us this week, you can see all past issues of the newsletter here on the website.  I'm going to take the time off and spend time with family, recharge, and get set for the next year.

I hope you're able to do the same!

Thank you so much for being a subscriber. It's hard to believe I started this newsletter only a few months ago and it's been growing like it has. Writing it is my favorite part of any week.

See you in 2022

PS: Special thanks to the good folks at Jarvis.ai for giving me a special promo code for 10,000 credits on their app. If you're not familiar, you can use Jarvis to write all kinds of marketing copy. Try it out and get your free credits!

PPS: I wouldn't recommend something I haven't used. You've probably read some things in the newsletter before that were made better by Jarvis 👀